Joined the band in 2010. Alcohol has a problem with him.. not the other way round.

Role inside the band:
Lead Guitar
Real name:
Nikolay Deliyski
Previous nickname:
Niko Wilson
April 20th
When did you start playing?
At the age of 14
Why did you start playing?
I like how guitars sound
Favourite bands/musicians:
Lamb of God, Trivium, Arch Enemy, Heart of a Coward, Northlane, Bring me the Horizon, Pantera, Destrage, Linkin Park
First album bought:
Linkin Park – Live in Texas
First metal album bought:
Linkin Park – Live in Texas
Favourite album:
Lamb of God – Ashes of Wake
First concert (as visitor):
Favourite Infernal Nightmare song:
Cursed Fable
Favourite Infernal Nightmare song to play live:
Last Broken Breath
Band would you like to tour up with:
Slipknot, Pantera, Guns n' Roses
Favourite alcoholic and non-alcoholic drink:
Long Island Ice Tea – Red Bull
No cigarettes ;)
Favourite movie:
American Pie 2
Favourite actor and actress:
Jim Carrey – Scarlett Johansson
Favourite movie director:
Christopher Nolan
Favourite movie genre:
Favourite TV series:
Breaking Bad, Lost, My Wife and Kids, The Walking Dead, You're the Worst, South Park, The Family Guy
Favourite books:
It – Stephen King, Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix
Favourite computer/console games:
The Last of us, Far Cry, Dead Space 2, Crash Bandicoot saga, Grand Theft Auto, Spyro, Ratchet and Clanck
Favourite season:
Best thing you do on your freetime:
Have fun with friends while drunked
Describe yourself with just one word:
LTD Eclipse 1000, ESP Horizon II, Kemper profiler amp, ENGL E212VH Pro BK, Behringer FCB1010